Sunday, January 23, 2011
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What's in YOUR Water?

Do you really know what's in that glass of water that you are drinking?
This informative article by Judy Sheldon gives us a look at just that: 

We know water is essential to life, but do we truly know what we are drinking?

Water, while very similar, has important differences. It begins with the origin; be it lake, river, sea or subterranean, such as a well. Water can be considered hard or soft, depending on the minerals, calcium and magnesium salts found in it – Corrosion

Dr. John R. Christopher in defines water in ten categories:Hard water – This is water found in lakes, rivers, on the ground, from wells. This water contains high levels of calcium, iron, magnesium and inorganic minerals.Boiled water – Though boiling removes some germs from water...

Copyright ©2011 Michele Cameron Drew. All rights reserved.


fishing organizations said...

Thanks for the thought provoking article. I agree that it really is disgusting some of the things that are in our water supplies. That's why it's so important to have a filter that you use on your sink.

Alex said...

Interesting stuff. When we moved from the country (well water) to the city, it took a long time to get used to city water. Even though we take water for granted most of the time, water quality is a serious issue.

Merchant Cash Advance said...

I am only touching bottled water from now on! THANKS!!

Air Zimbabwe said...

Awesome blog,you have explained the importance of purified water and a very informative way, keep up the good work.

Lungenemphysem said...

Thanks for sharing this information. It's really important to let the people know what they're drinking. I for myself only drink Kangen Water which is a special filtered water, very delicious and healthy. So... I might know what kind of water I am drinking!

dofollow blogs said...

now a days in india, packaged drinking water. no nutrition in our water.

Nickelodeon Games said...

water quality is a serious issue, This is the page that I was looking for.

joomla development services said...

Wow excellent blog on Water we drink. I really enjoyed reading it and would like to take some useful tips from your blog guys. Thanks for sharing your blog here.

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