Friday, February 20, 2009
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The Laundromat

I'm sorry that I have been so absent as of late. I was back to work full time for awhile and things were a bit hectic.

Recently I got an email from a friend with a subject line of "Ok, You Talked Me Into It". It was from good old RJ Grant. You see RJ hasn't written any articles online lately as he has been concentrating on larger projects. I asked him to post an article because I have missed his amusing anecdotes.

Inside the email was a link to the very witty and wonderful The Laundromat by RJ Grant

You may think that the Laundromat is not a particularly exciting topic? Then maybe you haven’t looked at the Laundromat in the right light. My earliest memories of the Laundromat are those of an affordable amusement park for children growing up in Brooklyn.

[Read More...]


Cruiselife & Co said...

What a great topic to read about before I head to class. This is to amusing, and of course I'm not surprised. Rj is Great!

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