Wednesday, December 24, 2008
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Blast Away Holiday Stress with Herbal Teas

by Darlene McFarlane

The Holiday season can be stressful. It's a time of overwork, over indulgence, over stimulation, and over spending. While herb teas can't help with your spending they can help you get through the season a little easier. Below is a collection of great tasting herb teas that will help blast away holiday upsets.

Courtesy of Flickr commons by adactio

*Rule of thumb for brewing herbs one heaping teaspoon of each dried herb per cup. If many herbs are being brewed at one time, increase water to 1½ cups

1. Take a Break Tea

This tea blend kicks the nervous system into action by strengthening and nourishing the body while bringing sweet relief to your frazzled inner self. It's a little blast of pleasure.


Put one heaping teaspoon of each herb (per cup) in a teapot or saucepan. Pour boiling water over the herbs, cover and let steep 5 to 10 minutes.


  • lemon grass

  • lemon balm

  • passionflower

  • rose hips

  • chamomile

  • honey (if desired)

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