Part two of this series by Michele Cameron Drew provides more in-depth information on foods, proper food combining to cleanse and nourish the body and sustain a healthy life.
Welcome to part two of this series. Here you will find information on life-sustaining foods which cleanse and nourish the body. I cannot stress enough the importance of exercise. Even though the use of proper nutrition is important and can provide dramatic results, remember that exercise is key, even if we just take the time to do a few deep breathing exercises on a daily basis we may see dramatic health results. This is because the body receives the life-sustaining oxygen that it needs to cleanse the heart, the lungs, and the bloodstream.
Be aware that as you cleanse your system, by providing it with what it needs, that you may see some results that look as though you have done just the opposite, ie. colds, flu-like symptoms, skin problems, etc... This is a natural process. What's happening is the body is forcing out all of the garbage and taking on all of the good things that you are nourishing it with. You think you have "caught" a cold, when in fact you "ate" a cold, and now your body is trying to force those toxins that you ate, out of your body. This is usually a sign that what you are doing is working. As the body removes toxins these "symptoms" will begin to disappear.
As with any diet and exercise plan, you should always check with your doctor before making any serious changes.
Food Combining
Let's talk about food-combining(an important secret). If you try using these simple but extremely effective rules, you will see a big difference in the way your body digests foods. Different foods require different types of digestive juices, and not all digestive juices are compatible. In his book "Unlimited Power" the infamous Tony Robbins says "Do you eat meat and potatoes together? How about cheese and bread, or milk and cereal, or fish and rice?" "What if I were to tell you that those combinations are totally destructive to your internal system and rob you of energy?"
Well you'd probably tell him that he was out of his mind, but it's true. You can save yourself large amounts of nerve energy that you are probably wasting right now. Different types of foods are digested differently. Carbohydrates require an alkaline digestive medium, which is initially supplied in the mouth by an enzyme(ptyalin). Proteins require an acid medium(hydrochloric acid, and pepsin).
It is a law of chemistry that two contrary mediums cannot work together. Acid and alkali cannot work at the same time. They neutralize each other, which means that if you eat a protein and a carbohydrate together, digestion is impaired or stopped completely. Undigested food becomes a soil for bacteria which ferments and decomposes. This creates gas and digestive disorders. These food combinations steal your energy, and this is a potential cause for disease.
It is safe to eat vegetables(non-starch) with both proteins and carbohydrates. You can eat both proteins and carbs in the same day, but it is best to eat them at different sittings. ie. a baked potato or two or whole grain bread and a salad for lunch, and a small piece of meat for dinner with a big salad.
Meat...? Well let's just say that you can eat it if you want to. I eat it, although sparingly. There's nothing like the taste of a great juicy steak, right? Well, if you knew where the taste in meat comes from, you may not be eating that steak. One of the byproducts of meat is ammonia. Meat contains high levels of uric acid. Uric acid is a waste or excretory product of the body, resulting from the work of living cells. The kidneys extract uric acid from the bloodstream and pass it to the bladder where it is extracted with the urea as urine. If uric acid isn't properly removed from the blood in a prompt manner, the excess builds up in the body's tissues, which later creates gout or bladder stones, not to mention kidney disease. The average piece of meat contains 14 grains of uric acid. Your body can only effectively eliminate 8 grains of uric acid per day. The uric acid from the dead animal you are eating is what gives meat its flavor. Appetizing, huh?
Meat is also loaded with putrefactive bacteria(colon germs). When an animal is alive the osmotic process prevents these bacteria from getting into the animal. After the animal dies, this process is gone, and putrefactive bacteria storm their way into the colon of the animal and its flesh. This is what tenderizes meat. I could go on about the bacteria in meat, but I think you get the picture. Is this what you want for dinner? I certainly don't.
Additional Reading:
Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins
My Other Articles:
Healthy Lifestyle 1: You are What You Eat
In Retrospect, the Blizzard of '78: 30 Years Later
The Mystery of Intimacy (It's Not ALL About Sex)
My Poetry:
Michele Cameron Drew on Authspot
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